@ nowhoami is currently offline


my birthday is April 13
artist & editor
loves vampires <333
lovs family

vampires vampires vampires vapiress vampiresssjahaha

BYF ! YES IK the whole thing with the inc3st in vk ik sobb ik its known as the "vampire inc3st anime" sobbin
DNFI ! dont follow if ur gonna slander the anime, just don't do tht here, I get it

YESYESYES vampires knight fans(yumes + zekis(tht r chill) DEFF kazess PLSSS) & adventure time fans too
EWEWEW finncest & zeroxichiru dni, auto blocked, its fine if u dont bring it up all the time, proshippers, gore watchers/braggers(hard no), other stuff :3

TW tw?? i dont rlly have much except for gore rlly, just dont send the vids links pics of anything, my curiosity WILL get the bettrer of me, just dont to tht, mentioning it is fine but if u do send any, perm block :(
ALL ABT ME ME ME!!11!!!!!!
I lik to readin comics online bls where the plot is far greater than the romance idc as long as its good, im learning russian for the fun of it, not a fast replyer sob I LOOV HINO HOPE THT SHE GETS BETTRIN THE NEAR FUTURE!!11 ILY
at the moment,,,,,.
currently betterin' myself, thinkin' 'bout carrying the vk fandom w/ my AWESOME edits ahaha, trying to draw lik hino <3 & paying attention in school to get into the same college as my friends :D

YESYESYES reading, drawing, vampires, genshin, ffnet, CATSSS AAA, russians, school, im sryy sobb IDKKKD
EWEWEW idk waht to put idk y put two of these thers mor abt me than this

socials im (in)active on
active ;; discord, tiktok(art acct) // inactive?? ;; deviantart, wattpad, snapchat, twt??, there are others but itd take too much to include them